5 - 3 - 5
In case that the program KBM.EXE is executed for off-line programming, that
is executing KBM.EXE on a normal PC compatible machine without the
programmable keyboard attached, the program will ask a question on the display as
the following:
Fig. 5 - 3 - 5
The user should select 4 for a KB-3100 series or standard PST programmable
keyboard. If any key other than number 1 to 4 is pressed, the program will be
terminated automatically. The alternatives 1, 2 and 3 are designed for KB-2010 and
KB-2100 series programmable keyboards and early basic type of PST products
respectively and are not applicable in the KB-3100 series.
However, if the programmable keyboard is connected to the system when
entering the KBM.EXE, the program will auto-detect the type and size of the
programmable keyboard and skip this menu to start reading after getting confirmation,
the current contents of the programmable keyboard for programming. However, a
question like that in Fig. 5-3-6 will show up to confirm the intention of the user, as
from time to time, the user may want to start programming from a “blank” base. In
that case, the user should press the “ESC” key to the question in Fig. 5-3-6.