PAL: A Phase Alternative Line television is one that uses 625-line
frames and displays full frames at 25 frames/second. PAL is the
common system used in most European countries.
Pixels: The smallest element that a device can display on-screen
or out of which the displayed image is constructed.
RS232: Is the terminal port inside the camera that is used to
connect the camera to the computer.
TWAIN: Technology Without An Interesting Name is the indus-
try standard protocol that allows external devices to communicate
with your computer.
Upload: Is the transfer of information from your computer to an
outside source, such as your camera.
USB: Universal Serial Bus is a peripheral bus specification that
eliminates the need to install cards and reconfigure the system. USB
equipped PCs allow computer peripherals to be automatically con-
figured as soon as they are physically attached - without the need to
reboot or run setup.
White Balance: White Balance adapts the camera’s color sensi-
tivity to simulate the prevailing color of white outdoor light, yellow
indoor light, or greenish fluorescent light. It can be controlled either
automatically or manually.