Quick User Controls Guide
8W-1KU Receiver: Front View
1. POWER BUTTON Press for two seconds to turn
receivers ON-OFF
2. DIVERSITY A/B INDICATOR Indicates receiver A
or B is active when transmitter is on
3. AF PEAK LED Shows flickering GREEN LED is
normal or solid GREEN LED is for maximum
audio allowable
4. IR Infrared LED transmitter window for linking
the RX to the TX for download frequency
(hold ~2 seconds) for AUTO-SCAN to locate a
clear channel to use. Short press (~1 second)
to make IR link and download the receiver’s
selected frequency to the TX. To download,
positioning the HT-1KU/BT-1KU transmitters’
IR Window (34/43) by 6-12” away from the RX
IR LED (4). Press the ASC Button (5) once and
wait one second for the RX to respond. If the
download is successful, the RX will show one
of the Diversity A/B Antenna LED (2) and full RF
LCD Bars (12) on the LCD Display (8)
6. SET To scroll through the LCD menu and set
the selected program/function
7. UP BUTTON To change the receiver output VOL
level, GRP/CH, up by one step at a time
DOWN BUTTON To change the receiver output
VOL level, GRP/CH down by one step at a
8. LCD DISPLAY For indication of GRP (00-09)/CH
(00-99), RF signal strength indicator 1-6 bars,
and Volume Levels (0-63)
9. FREQUENCY GROUP Indicates selected GROUP
from 00-09
10. FREQUENCY CHANNEL Indicates selected
CHANNEL from 00-99
11. SUM VOLUME LEVEL Indicates selected LINE
output level from 00-63, (63 is loudest output)
12. RF SIGNAL METER Indicates received signal
strength levels from 1-6 bars, (6 bars show
excellent incoming RF signal)