What do I do if... For more info...
I try to arm my system but the keypad just displays “ZONES NOT NORMAL” and “CAN’T ARM
SYSTEM” and beeps at me.
If the green STATUS light is off, a zone is open. Find and secure the open window or door. See Page 6
I try to arm my system but the keypad displays “SYSTEM TROUBLE” and beeps at me. The
Error Codes numbers are displayed.
A System Trouble has been detected. Note the scrolling error codes, which represent the
trouble. Press
and you will now be able arm to the system, but the trouble must be
fixed as soon as possible.
See Page 7 & 33
The Fire Alarm is sounding and I don’t know how to turn it off.
If a fire is in progress, evacuate the premises immediately! If necessary, call the Fire Department from
an outside phone. If there is no evidence of a fire, enter your code and press
to silence the alarm.
Note the Zone Number displayed. Check the smoke detector(s). If a smoke detector tripped, its red
alarm indicator light will be on. Press C to silence the keypad sounder.
See Page 11