WARNING! Always wear protecve gloves and safety glasses when cleaning your grill.
WARNING! To avoid the possibility of burns, maintenance should be done only when the grill is cool.
Avoid unprotected contact with hot surfaces. Ensure all burners are turned o. Clean grill in an area where
cleaning soluons will not harm decks, lawns, or paos. Do not use oven cleaner to clean any part of this
gas grill. Do not use a self-cleaning oven to clean cooking grids or any other parts of the gas grill. Barbe-
cue sauce and salt can be corrosive and will cause rapid deterioraon of the gas grill components unless
cleaned regularly.
Cleaning Instrucons
Note: Stainless steel tends to oxidize or stain in the presence of chlorides and suldes, parcularly in coastal
areas and other harsh environments, such as the warm, highly humid atmosphere around pools and hot tubs.
These stains could be perceived as rust, but can be easily removed or prevented. To provide stain prevenon
and removal, wash all stainless steel surfaces every 3-4 weeks or as oen as required with fresh water and/or
stainless steel cleaner.
Grids And Warming Rack: The grids and warming rack are best cleaned with a brass wire brush during the pre-
heang period. Steel wool can be used for stubborn stains. It is normal that stainless grids (if equipped) will
discolor permanently from regular usage due to the high temperature of the cooking surface.
Control Panel: The control panel text is printed directly on the stainless steel and with proper maintenance will
remain dark and legible. To clean the panel, use only warm soapy water or Connental brand stainless steel
cleaner available from your Napoleon dealer. Never apply abrasive cleaners on any stainless surfaces, espe-
cially the printed poron of the control panel or the prinng will gradually rub o.
Cleaning Inside The Gas Grill: Remove the cooking grids. Use a brass wire brush to clean loose debris from
the casng sides and underneath the lid. Scrape the sear plates with a puy knife or scraper, and use a wire
brush to remove the ash. Remove the sear plates and brush debris from the burners with the brass wire brush.
Sweep all debris from inside the gas grill into the drip pan.
Drip Pan: Accumulated grease is a re hazard. Clean the drip pan frequently (every 4 – 5 uses or as oen as re-
quired) to avoid grease buildup. Grease and excess drippings pass through to the drip pan, located beneath the
gas grill and accumulate in the disposable grease tray below the drip pan. To access the disposable grease tray
or to clean the drip pan, slide the drip pan free of the grill. Never line the drip pan with aluminum foil, sand or
any other material as this could prevent the grease from owing properly. The pan should be scraped out with
a puy knife or scraper. Replace the disposable grease tray every 2 – 4 weeks, depending on gas grill usage.
For supplies, see your Napoleon Gas Grill dealer.
Cleaning The Outer Grill Surface: Do not use abrasive cleaners or steel wool on any painted, porcelain or stain-
less steel parts of your Napoleon Grill. Doing so will scratch the nish. Exterior grill surfaces should be cleaned
with warm soapy water while the metal is sll warm to the touch. To clean stainless surfaces, use a stainless
steel or a non-abrasive cleaner. Always wipe in the direcon of the grain. Over me, stainless steel parts
discolor when heated, usually to a golden or brown hue. This discoloraon is normal and does not aect the
performance of the grill. Porcelain enamel components must be handled with addional care. The baked-on
enamel nish is glass-like, and will chip if struck. Touch-up enamel is available from your Napoleon Grill dealer.
Infrared Burners: Because of the high intensity of the infrared burner, most drippings and food parcles that
fall onto the burner surface are immediately incinerated. However, some debris and residue may remain. To
remove this residue aer cooking, turn the grill on high with lid closed for 5-10 minutes. Do not clean the ce-
ramic le with a wire brush. If debris is collecng on your burner, simply light the burner and operate on high
for 5 minutes with the lid open, allowing debris to burn o.