Chapter 1 Required Configuration, Installation, and Upgrade Information
National Instruments Corporation 1-9 LabVIEW 5.1 Addendum
3. To change the current directory to the mounted CD-ROM, type the
following command:
cd /mnt/cdrom.
4. To run the installation script, type the following command:
The INSTALL script prompts you to enter the directory where you want
to install LabVIEW (typically
/usr/local or /opt). The script uses
RPM to install the RedHat package on RedHat Linux 5.0 or later
systems, or it extracts the
.tar.gz archives on other systems.
Note If your system does not have the required glibc2 libraries installed, you have the
option to install LabVIEW 4.1.1 instead. The file
Glibc2-HOWTO on the CD gives
detailed instructions on how to obtain and install
You also can install the files by hand, using either RPM or glint on RedHat
systems, or
tar/gunzip on other systems. To install LabVIEW versions
4.1.1 and 5.1 simultaneously, use the
--force rpm option.
Note Refer to the README file on the CD for additional installation instructions.
1. Insert the 4 mm DAT tape into the tape drive.
2. To create the directory in which you will install LabVIEW, type the
following command:
mkdir /opt/lv51
3. To change to the new directory, type the following command:
cd /opt/lv51
4. Extract the files from the tape by typing the following command:
tar xv
5. To run the installation script, type the following command:
6. Follow the instructions on your screen.