Nautilus NS300X
PEC DEC - Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (elbow stabilized in slight flexion)
Muscles Worked: This exercise emphasizes the
chest muscles (pectoralis major), also involving the
front shoulder muscles (anterior deltoid).
Starting Position:
• Adjust the seat so the handgrips are at your chest
• In the seated position, reach to the side of your
body, grasp the handles, and bend your elbows
until your hands are near your chest. Rotate your
upper arms away from your torso so that your
elbows are pointing outward to each side and
your palms are facing forward.
• Lay your head back against the bench and
straighten your arms to the front.
• Be sure that your arms are moving level with
your chest, palms facing forward and wrists
• Raise your chest and slightly “pinch” your
shoulders together. Maintain a very slight,
comfortable, arch in your lower back.
• Slowly move your arms outward, maintaining the
elbow in slightly bent position throughout the
• Stop when your upper arms are approximately
straight out to your sides (your elbows will be
level with your shoulders) and knuckles are close
• Slowly return to the starting position keeping
your chest muscles tightened during the entire
Key Points:
• Maintain a 60-90 degree angle between the upper
arms and the torso throughout the exercise.
• Limit and control the range of motion so that
your elbows travel only slightly behind your
shoulders if at all.