
User Manual for the NETGEAR RangeMax™ Wireless PC Card WPN511
3-14 Basic Setup
February 2005
Basic Tips
If you have problems connected to your wireless network, try the tips below.
Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: The product literature says the WPN511 can operate at 108 Mbps. Why do I see no
more than 54 Mbps speed on my WPN511 Smart Configuration Utility status line?
Answer: You are probably connecting to standard 802.11g network. If you use the NETGEAR
WGT624 108 Mbps Wireless Firewall Router, you will see network speeds up to 108 Mbps.
2. Question: Why does the utility kept asking me to Save my settings when I’m trying to close
the utility?
Symptom Cause Solution
The PC Card LE D s
a re n ot lit.
The WPN 511 is not
inserted into the slot
properly or the
WPN511 software is
not loaded.
R em ove and reinsert th e W P N 51 1 .
Check the W indows device manager to see if the P C Card is
recognized and enabled. R eload the W PN 511 software, if
Try to install the W P N 51 1 in a d ifferent slot on you r system if
one is available.
The LED s blink
alternately and
ca n n o t con n e ct to
an access point.
The WPN 511 is
a tte m p ti n g to c on n e c t
to an access point,
but cannot connect.
The access point may not be powered on. O r, the access
p oi n t a n d th e P C ca rd a re n ot con fig u red with th e s a m e
wirel e ss p a ra m e te rs. C h e ck th e S S I D a n d W E P s e ttin g s.
I can connect to an
a cce s s p oin t, b u t I
ca n n o t con n e ct to
other computers on
th e n e twork or th e
This could be a
physical layer
problem or a network
C h eck to m a k e su re th a t th e a cce s s p oi n t is p h y si ca lly
connected to the E thernet network.
M ake sure that the IP addresses and the W indows
networking p aram eters are all configu red correctly.
R estart the cable or D SL modem, router, access point, and
notebook PC.
Note: As of the date of publication of this manual, the Windows XP HotFix #Q815485
can prevent wireless adapters from connecting to the Internet and prevent wireless
adapters from reloading a working configuration after a restart of the computer. To see
if HotFix #Q815485 is installed, look in Add Remove Programs from the Windows
Control Panel. If installed, remove it. Future updates to the Windows XP operating
systems may correct this problem.