Chapter 3 ✦ Flash Photography Basics 65
By keeping your digital camera
set to the automatic setting, you
reduce the amount of images
taken with incorrect color tem-
peratures. Most of your images,
in many lighting situations
(with or without the use of
Speedlights) are very accurate.
You may discover that your
camera’s ability to evaluate the
correct white balance is more
accurate than setting white bal-
ance settings manually.
✦ Shoot in RAW format for ulti-
mate control of white balance.
All Nikon digital SLRs models offer
you the ability to shoot your
images in RAW mode. When shoot-
ing your images in RAW format
(instead of JPEG or TIFF), you have
the ability to adjust the white bal-
ance of your images after you
transfer the files to your computer.
By using the RAW conversion soft-
ware that was included with your
digital camera or using Adobe
Camera Raw (included with
Photoshop CS, CS2, and
Photoshop Elements), you can
actually adjust the white balance of
an image after you take the shot.