Glossary G-i
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
ALC Automatic Level Control: a circuit in the transmit RF path that controls RF
power amplifier output, provides leveling over frequency and voltage, and pro-
tects against high VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio).
ASF IC Audio Signalling Filter Integrated Circuit with voice compander.
CD Compact Disk.
CMP Compression.
CPS Customer Programming Software.
CSQ Carrier Squelch.
DTMF Dual-Tone Multifrequency.
DPL Digital Private-Line™.
EEPROM Electronically Erasable/Programmable Read-Only Memory: used by the radio
to store its personality.
Firmware Software, or a software/hardware combination of computer programs and data,
with a fixed logic configuration stored in a read-only memory. Information can-
not be altered or reprogrammed.
FGU Frequency Generation Unit.
GaAs Gallium Arsenide: a type of crystalline material used in some semiconductors.
ISW Inbound Signalling Word: data transmitted on the control channel from a sub-
scriber unit to the central control unit.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display: a module used to display the radio’s current operating
channel or system and scan status.
LDMOS Lateral Diffusion MOS.
LH DATA Longhorn Data: a bidirectional 0-5V, RS-232 line that uses the microcontroller’s
integrated RS-232 asynchronous serial communications interface (SCI) periph-
LLE Low Level Expander: slight amount of volume expansion; used to improve the
signal to noise ratio.
LSH Low-Speed Handshake: 150 baud digital data sent to the radio during trunked
operation while receiving audio.
MDC Motorola Data Communication.
MRTI Motorola Radio-Telephone Interconnect: a system that provides a repeater
connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The MRTI
allows the radio to access the telephone network when the proper access code
is received.