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(Website screen)
regiStering Your gAme SYnC id
In order to enjoy the contents of the Pokémon Global
Link that connect with your game, you must first register
your Game Sync ID.
Set up your Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (see page 40)
to connect to the Internet at home.
Select “GAME SYNC SETTINGS” from the Main Menu
(see page 13) or “GAME SYNC” from the “ONLINE”
menu of the C-Gear, and connect to Nintendo WFC to
receive a Game Sync ID.
Log in to the Pokémon Global Link using your
Pokémon Trainer Club account, and then register your
Game Sync ID.
Note: You will receive the C-Gear after reaching a certain point in
your adventure.
Note: You can register one Game Sync ID for Pokémon Black Version and one Game Sync ID for
Pokémon White Version to your Pokémon Trainer Club account on the Pokémon Global Link. If you
have multiple copies of Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, please choose one copy of
each to register your Game Sync ID.
Note: Game Sync IDs cannot be changed once registered.
Pokémon dreAm world
You can access the Pokémon Dream World from the Pokémon Global Link. Use Game
Sync (see page 55), and your Pokémon will appear in the Pokémon Dream World. In the
Pokémon Dream World, you can customize your home, and play minigames to befriend
Pokémon. You can receive the Pokémon you befriended and the items you picked up in
the Pokémon Dream World if you visit the Entralink (see page 34) after using Game Sync to
wake up your Pokémon. For details, please read the “Entree Forest” section on page 37.
gloBAl BAttle union
After registering your Game Sync ID to the Pokémon Global
Link, you gain access to “Rating” in the “Random Matchup”
menu of the Global Terminal (see page 46).
If you use Nintendo WFC and battle in Rating Mode, you will
be able to view other Trainers’ Battle Rankings and Ratings.
You can also enter competitions via Nintendo WFC if there
are any being held.