Copyright 1995 – 1999 Nokia. All right reserved. 3(3)
optimise the downloading of mails to your communicator. This option is
available only when using IMAP4 as Protocol.
Delete fetched: Options are No (default) and Yes that will delete all mails
from the remote server when you fetch them to your remote client in the
communicator. This means that these mails can then only be found from the
communicator memory.
Timed fetching settings: If you want to check your remote mailbox regulary or at some
particular time you can set up that automatically. Change Timed Fetching On and type in
start date and time. You can also set up time limit for the data connection to ensure that if
there is error in connection it will not be established for too long time. You can also set Size
limit and some frequency if you want like e.g. Daily or Weekly.
In error or problem situations please check for possible solution from the User’s Manual or by contacting
Nokia CareLine. Nokia CareLine numbers can be found from the Manual.
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The contents of this document is provided "as is". Except as required by the applicable law, no warranty of any kind, either
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