User settings
Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To add a user, select whether to send all images to the user’s mobile
phone (1) or e-mail address (2), and send the following text message to
the camera:
5 user name phone number e-mail address number
Now the camera adds Mark as a user and sends all images to Mark’s
e-mail address.
It is not mandatory to define the e-mail address.
If the new user’s user name or phone number corresponds to those of
an existing user, the new user replaces the old user.
To remove a user, send the following text message to the camera:
5 0 user name or phone number
The master user cannot be removed.
To check the current user list, send the following text message to the
To check the information of a user, send the following text message to
the camera:
5 ? user name or phone number
5 Mark 12345678
mark@work.com 2
5 0 Mark