Amendment Record Sheet
Status Version Date Comments
Draft 0.1 9.11.2007 Initial draft
Approved 1.0 14.11.2007 Approval
The purpose of this document is to help NOKIA service levels 1 and 2 workshop technicians to carry out service
to NOKIA products. This Service Manual is to be used only by authorized NOKIA service suppliers and the
content of it is confidential. Please note that NOKIA provides also other guidance documents (e.g. Service
Bulletins) for service suppliers, follow these regularly and comply with the given instructions.
While every endeavor has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors may exist. If you
find any errors or if you have further suggestions, please notify NOKIA using the address below:
CMO Operation and Logistics
Training and Vendor Development
Multimedia Creation & Support
E-mail: Service.Manual@nokia.com
Please keep in mind also that this documentation is continuosly being updated and modified, so watch always
out for the newest version.
Amendment Record Sheet
Copyright © 2007 Nokia. All rights reserved.