
CDN 36
RELOOP/STUTTER This button performs 2 different functions depending on loop setting.
This is only possible if “LOOP” points have been previously set and the CD is playing beyond the “LOOP OUT” point.
The “RELOOP” function automatically returns the music to the “LOOP IN” point and will play the loop until it is
released with the “LOOP OUT” button.
This starts instant play or replay from your last set cue point or “stutter” point. Simply set your stutter point by follow
the directions for setting “Loop in” because the points are the same. Remember the button serves also for the
reloop function so if a loop out has been set the unit will also loop until released. If you set a loop in point
on a track, then return to a point previous to it by using the track function you will be able to stutter on the beginning
of the track until you pass the loop in point. Then you will be able to stutter on the previously set point.
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