OKIFAX 5750/595066
Confirming e-mail Address Programming
If you want to check / verify an e-mail address you have
programmed, print the Telephone Directory.
See the User’s Guide, “Reports, Telephone Directory.”
E-mail Address Restrictions
· up to 64 characters may be entered.
You may use Latin letters, numbers and symbols.
To enter symbols, use either one-touch key 20 or key “0”
of the numeric ten-key pad.
The symbols that can be used are:
! # & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · @ ? ” _ % ~
The “~” (tilde) symbol shows on the display as “
Both uppercase and lowercase letters can be used.
To change the case, press the CAPS key
(one-touch key 31).
· Must be programmed / assigned to one-touch keys
· Groups cannot combine e-mail addresses and telephone