
Status of Server
Internet Faxing is conducted over the Internet via network
servers. If the servers are down, running slowly, or experiencing
other problems, Internet Faxing will be adversely affected.
Backup/Archive (Email Scanning)
You can use your fax machine to create digital versions of
documents you only have in hardcopy form.
1. To do this, send the document as an Internet Fax to your
email address.
2. When the document is scanned, a TIFF version of the
document is created. By sending it to yourself, you will
have a digital version of the hardcopy document.
3. You can then use various software packages to work with the
digital (TIFF) version, such as an Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) software package.
I-Fax Network Set Up
Settings for the machine are located in two places.
Settings stored on the fax machine
Settings recorded on the network card
Each section below is categorized by the Menu listings found in
the fax machine. They are as follows:
“I-Fax NIC Settings” on page 85
“POP Interval” on page 87
“Network Settings” on page 88
“I-Fax NIC Initialize” on page 91
Identifying Current Settings on Fax Machine
The Configuration Report lists the current settings of the
facsimile machine and the network card.
Print the Configuration Report
1. Press the Select Function key.
2. Press the
6/Report Print One-Touch key. The display will