
Handbook 161
Group 3 fax machines operate at the highest
transmission speed possible on a given telephone line. Your
fax machine features automatic fallback; if line quality drops
during transmission, the fax machine will reduce speed to the
fastest possible level.
Fine resolution. 203H x 196V lpi. Also shown as G3F
(“Group 3 fine”) on some fax units.
Firmware. (1) A category of memory chips that hold their
content without electrical power and include ROM, PROM,
EPROM and EEPROM technologies. Firmware becomes
“hard software” when holding program code.
(2)Software kept in semi-permanent memory. Firmware is
used in conjunction with hardware and software. It also
shares the characteristics of both. Firmware is usually
stored on PROMS (Programmable Read Only Memory) or
EPROMs (Electrical PROMS). Firmware contains
software which is so constantly called upon by a computer
or phone system that it is “burned” into a chip, thereby
becoming firmware. The computer program is written into
the PROM electrically at higher than usual voltage,
Digital. Using the binary system—i. e., either 0 or 1—to
describe everything, so that 0 means off and 1 means on.
Digital fax machines convert the graphic image of your
document into a series of zeros and ones by using the binary
system of transmission to encode black and white
occurrences. This increases transmission speed by passing
over white spaces. See also White-line skip.
Dual Access. Allows you to load and prepare to transmit
(send) a document while your fax machine is receiving or
sending another fax from memory.
Effective printing width. The widest image that can be
printed on a fax.
Effective scan width. The maximum width the scanner in a
fax can scan during transmission.
Fax (or fax). A form of communication involving the
scanning and decoding of a document into electrical signals
and transmitting of the document, over telephone lines to
another device which then reconstructs the signals to produce
an exact duplicate of the document. Also, a machine that
performs such communication.