2-2 Setup and Startup
10-29-02 OMB-DaqBook User’s Manual
(1) Set Jumpers
(a) Place the unit on a flat, stable surface. Ensure no power or signal lines are connected.
(b) Remove cover screw(s), and slide the top cover plate free of the device. All jumpers are
accessible from above the board, and no further disassembly is required.
(c) Set jumpers JP1 through JP4 as needed for your application. Jumper configuration options
follow shortly. Note that jumpers are clearly labeled on the actual motherboards.
Note: DaqBook/200, /216, and /260 do not have JP3 and JP4 jumpers. For those units,
related settings are made via software.
(d) Leave JP5, JP6, and JP7 in their default positions. JP5 (Time Base Selection) default position
is for 1 MHz. JP6 (Watchdog Timer Enable/Disable) default position selects “disabled.”
JP7 concerns calibration. See user’s manual prior to changing the settings of these three
(e) Replace and secure the cover before applying power and signals.
Motherboard Jumper Locations
Note: DaqBook/112 and DaqBook/216 boards are physically smaller than the other boards.
JP1 – External Analog Expansion Power
If analog option cards (DBKs) are used, JP1 jumpers are set to provide +15 and -15 VDC to the cards.
If using a DBK32A or DBK33 Power Supply Card, remove all jumpers from JP1.
If no cards are being used, the counter/timer CTR0 is available, and JP1 must be set as shown in the
following figure.
Placing the jumpers on -OCTOUT and -OCLKIN could damage the 8254 timer chip! If either
a DBK32A Auxiliary Power Supply or a DBK33 Triple-Output Power Supply Card is used, the JP1
shunt jumpers must be removed, otherwise timer chip damage will occur. Refer to the DBK32A,
DBK33, and Power Management sections of your user’s manual for more information.