2.4 Membrane Keypad and Display
Figure 2-4. Membrane Keypad and Display
Table 2-4. Membrane Keypad Detail
Item Description Function
2Display Shows pump messages; provides quantitative
information while the pump is running
14 Left Pump Icon Side view of a pump(s); associated with two
green LEDs
15 Green LEDs for left pump Indicate left-mounted pump’s inlet and outlet
16 Right Pump Icon Side view of a pump(s); associated with two
green LEDs
17 Green LEDs for right pump Indicate right-mounted pump’s inlet and outlet
18 INLET SELECT key Selects tubing inlet for pump(s) mounted on
either side of the motor
19 TEMP key Displays the fluid’s temperature as measured
via an optional Type K thermocouple probe
20 RPM key Initiates the RPM Mode of pumping and
displays the RPM setting of the pump motor;
displays the actual pump motor speed, as it
occurs in time