first temperature is 65°C and the last
temperature is 55°C, over 30 cycles the
temperature will decrease 0.33°C each
cycle. Similarly, in the example shown, the
time would increase from 30 seconds to 1
minute 30 seconds in 2 second
To save the program
A program can only be run once it has
been saved. Press the “End” key.
The prompt line will flash between 'SAVE?'
and 'YES or NO'.
Press “Enter” for ‘Yes’ to save the
changes you have made.
If you press “End” for ‘No’ then all the
changes you have made will be lost.
The program is now ready to run and will
be allocated with a unique “Speed dial”
number which can be used to rapidly
locate the program from the main start-up
Use the “Up Arrow” and “Down Arrow”
keys to scroll through the list of options.
Stopping what you are doing
At any time during programming the
CYCLER, when you are satisfied with the
program, you can finish and accept what
you have done by first pressing the “End”
Then follow the instructions on screen. If
you are not sure, wait for the instructions
in the prompt line to scroll back to the first
line that you see.
Run Program
View Program
[ , to select ]
Run metho
View method
[ , to select ]
[ , to select ]