
Creating an IP Address Table Section 3-10
For information on IP address table settings, refer to 3-10 Creating an IP
Address Table. For information on IP router table settings, refer to 3-11 Creat-
ing an IP Router Table. For information on IP mail transmission settings, refer
to Section 8 Mail.
3-10 Creating an IP Address Table
An IP address table is a table of correspondences between node numbers
and IP addresses, and it is used for finding IP addresses from FINS node
numbers. It is necessary to register an IP address table when using the IP
address table method as the method for address conversion. (For details
regarding preliminary procedures, refer to 3-1 Before Operation.)
An IP address table does not necessarily need to be registered in order to use
the combined method for address conversion. If none is registered, however,
the automatic address generation method will always be used.
If the automatic address generation method is to be used exclusively, then
there is no need to register an IP address table. In that case, proceed to 3-11
Creating an IP Router Table.
Connecting and Using a
Programming Device for
the PC
The IP address table must be created using the Unit settings on a CX-Pro-
grammer connected to the PC. It cannot be created using a Programming
Console. For details on how to connect and use a CX-Programmer, refer to
the CX-Programmer User’s Manual.
Note An IP address table can also be registered using the FINS command IP
on page 237.
3-11 Creating an IP Router Table
An IP router table is a table of correspondences between IP router IP
addresses and the network numbers of segments relayed by the IP router. If
the Ethernet network is configured of multiple segments, an IP router table
must be registered for communications between the segments. (For details on
segments and connecting nodes, refer to 1-2-2 Node Connections.)
If the Ethernet network has the minimal configuration of just one segment,
there is no need to create an IP router table. In that case, proceed to 3-12
Checking Communications.
Note 1. An IP router table needs to be created only when the IP address table
method or the combined method is used for address conversion.
2. With CJ-series Ethernet Units, it is possible to register one default IP router
(the IP router selected when the applicable network number is not regis-
Connecting and Using a
Programming Device for
the PC
The IP router table must be created using the Unit settings on a CX-Program-
mer connected to the PC. It cannot be created using a Programming Console.
For details on how to connect and use a CX-Programmer, refer to the CX-Pro-
grammer User’s Manual.
Destination mail address Not set.
SMTP server address (Not set.)
Item Default