Interrupt Functions Section 7-2
7-2 Interrupt Functions
7-2-1 Overview
The Motion Control Modules support the following interrupts.
Executing Interrupt
Programs in the
The programming routines that are executed for all of the following interrupts
are programmed as interrupt tasks.
Input Interrupts Inputs to the Motion Control Module’s built-in contact inputs 0 to 3 can be set
as interrupt inputs. If they are set as interrupt inputs, an interrupt will be gen-
erated when the input turns ON, OFF, or both. If they are set for Counter
Mode, an interrupt will be generated when a specified counter value is
Interval Timer Interrupts An interrupt will be generated for an interval timer that can be set to a preci-
sion of 0.1 ms. Interval timer interrupts can also be used in the Coordinator
High-speed Counter
An interrupt will be generated when the PV of the counter equals a preset tar-
get value.
Pulse Output Interrupts An interrupt will be generated when the PV of the pulse output (or the pulse
counter’s PV/measured time) equals a preset target value.
Note In addition to interrupts, bit patterns can be output internally when the PV is
within a specified range in Range Comparison Mode. High-speed counter
PVs, pulse output PVs, pulse counter timer PVs, and one-shot pulse elapsed
times can be used as the PVs for bit pattern output.
7-2-2 Interrupt Priority
A specified interrupt task will be executed when an interrupt is generated. The
priority of interrupts is shown below.
If an additional interrupt occurs while another interrupt is already being pro-
cessed, the new interrupt will be executed after the first interrupt task has
been completed.
If two or more interrupts occur simultaneously, the higher-priority interrupt will
be executed first. Interrupts have the following priority:
• Input interrupt 0
→ Input interrupt 1 → Input interrupt 2 → Input interrupt 3
• Interval timer interrupt
→ Pulse output 1 interrupt → Pulse output 2 inter-
→ High-speed counter 1 interrupt → High-speed counter 2 interrupt
An instruction controlling a port operation cannot be programmed in an inter-
rupt task if an instruction in the main program is already controlling pulse I/O
or a high-speed counter for the same port. If this is attempted, the ER Flag will
turn ON. The following instructions are included: INI(880), PRV(881),
CTBL(882), SPED(885), PULS(886), PLS2(887), ACC(888), and STIM(980).