Memory Initialization Section 6-4
Initialize the alarm history record data by following the menu operation from
the System Menu shown below.
If No is selected, the NT631/NT631C returns to the MEMORY INIT. MENU
screen without initializing the alarm history record data.
On completion of alarm history record data initialization, the message Fin-
ished is displayed and the NT631/NT631C returns to the MEMORY INIT.
MENU screen.
6-4-4 Initializing the Recipe Tables
You can initialize the recipe tables (i.e., all the recipe data) edited in the
NT631/NT631C. Here, “initializing” the recipe tables means to restore the bat-
tery backup memory (“recipe data memory”) to the values in flash memory at
that time. If, after downloading from the Support Tool, you do not upload the
data even once, initialization will restore the initial values set using the Sup-
port Tool. The values will not be cleared.
Select Maintenance Mode.
Select Memory Init..
Select Alarm History.
Select Yes.
Ver 4.12
The alarm history record data is initialized.
During initialization, the message
Initializing is displayed.