hexadecimal data, converting displays, Programming Console,
high-speed communications mode, 6
host computer, connecting, 26
Host Link, connections, 26
Host Link communications
1:1, 27
cables, 27
1:N, 28
cables, 29
I/O allocation, 8
I/O line noise, preventing, 21
IBM PC/AT or compatible computer, 7
indicators, 16
flashing ERR/ALM indicator, 72
lit ERR/ALM indicator, 73
DIN track, 20
horizontal surface, 20
precautions, 19
inserting and deleting, Programming Console, 43
searching, Programming Console, 41
interlock circuit, example, 18
interval timer, 2
limit circuit, 18
lithium battery, backup time vs. temperature, xv, 14
long-distance communications mode, 6
backup, 2
Expansion Memory Unit, 83
memory areas
clearing, Programming Console, 37, 62
partial clear, 38, 62
uploading/downloading, 84
messages, reading/clearing, 38, 74
mode, changing the PC mode, 35
models, SRM1 models, 4
binary data, Programming Console, 54
data, Programming Console, 52
hexadecimal/BCD data, Programming Console, 53
signed decimal data, Programming Console, 55
SV, Programming Console, 52
unsigned decimal data, Programming Console, 56
MONITOR mode, description, 36
3-word monitor, Programming Console, 50–51
binary monitor, Programming Console, 50
differentiation monitor, Programming Console, 49–50
signed decimal monitor, Programming Console, 51
status, Programming Console, 47
unsigned decimal monitor, Programming Console, 51–52
MSG(46), 74
noise, preventing electrical noise, 19, 21
non-fatal errors, troubleshooting, 80
NT Link
1:1, 30
1:N, 30
NT Link communications
1:1, 30
1:N, 30
cable connections, 30, 31
operating conditions, troubleshooting, 82
overheating, 19
panel, Programming Console installation, 35
panel installation, precautions, 19
PC Link communications, 1:1, 31
cable connections, 32
restrictions, 32
PC mode, changing, 35
Peripheral Devices, connecting, 6
peripheral port, 15
peripherals, 5
IBM PC/AT or compatible computer, 7
Programming Consoles, 6
PT, 7
Slaves, 5
SYSMAC Support Software, 6
power failure, 18
momentary, 18
power supply, 18
troubleshooting, 78
wiring, 18, 23
general, xi
uploading/downloading, 84
program memory, setting address and reading content, Pro-
gramming Console, 41
PROGRAM mode, description, 36