3. Output Volume: To set to enable or disable the analog volume controls (also known as Variable
Audio). The available options are:
Variable – Enable the analog volume control. Use the VOL-/+ buttons on the remote to
decrease/increase the analog audio output level (the maximum is 100).
Fixed – Disable the analog volume control. The VOL-/+ buttons on the remote will no
longer affect the analog audio output, and the volume level is fixed to 100.
4. XLR Terminal Polarity: To set the polarity of the BALANCED STEREO AUDIO OUT terminals on
BDP-95. Please compare the positions of "hot" (positive) and "cold" (negative) pins on BDP-95
terminals (shown in the page 18) with those on your audio system. The available options are:
Normal – The XLR three-pin positions on your audio system are the same as those on
BDP-95 terminals.
Inversion – The positions of "hot" (positive) and "cold" (negative) pins on your audio
system are switched comparing with those on BDP-95 terminals.
5. Stereo Signal: To select the audio source that will be processed and sent out through the STEREO
AUDIO OUT and the XLR BALANCED STEREO AUDIO OUT terminals. The available options are:
Down-mixed Stereo – The stereo or down-mixed stereo signals are processed and sent
out from the dedicated stereo output terminals.
Front Left/Right – The original Front Left (FL) and Front Right (FR) signals are sent out
from the dedicated stereo output terminals. The purpose is to fully utilize the better DAC
hardware originally assigned to the dedicated stereo outputs for customers who prefer
multi-channel speakers and do not need the dedicated stereo output or zone 2 output.
When this option is selected, the dedicated stereo output ports should be used as the Front
outputs of the 7.1ch / 5.1ch / Stereo Audio group. The original FL/FR RCA connectors
should not be connected.