
This booklet was prepared to help adult bicyclists and parents of
younger bicyclists understand how to ride safely and legally on the
streets, roads and highways of Oregon. This manual condenses and
paraphrases language in the Oregon Revised Statutes. It also
provides safety advice not included in the law. This manual is not a
proper legal authority to cite and should not be relied upon in a court
of law. Traffic regulations in cities, towns and counties may go beyond
state laws, as long as they do not conflict with state law.
For a complete copy of the statutes relating to bicycling, please
consult the Oregon Vehicle Code, available at your local library. Most
of the statutes relating to bicycling are found in Chapter 814 of the
Oregon Revised Statutes.
You can obtain additional copies of this brochure by contacting your
local DMV office, or by writing:
Traffic Safety Section
Mill Creek Office Park
555 13th Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
Phone: (503) 986-4190
Parents of younger riders may wish to teach them a more defensive
style of riding. For this audience, ODOT publishes a booklet called
“Say, you’re not from this planet, are you?”. It’s available at the above
This manual was prepared by the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian
Program in cooperation with DMV. Comments and suggestions are
welcome. Please contact:
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager
Room 210 Transportation Building
Salem, OR 97310
Telephone: (503)986-3555
Copyright 1997 by the Oregon Department of Transportation. Permis-
sion is given to quote and reproduce parts of this document if credit is
given to the source.