
English-6 English-7
Hi n T s f o r Be s T re s U l T s
• Filltheunitwithoilbetweenthemaximumandminimumcapacitylinesonly.
• Donotoverfillthebasket.Toachievequalityresultsdeepfryingfoodneedstobe
surrounded by oil. Too much food causes the oil temperature to drop, resulting in
“soggy” food. Food should be no higher than the top of the basket.
• Besurethatallicecrystalsareremovedfromthefoodandfoodiscompletelydry.
Excessive water and ice can cause the oil to splatter and/or overflow.
• Coatedfoods(breadcrumbs,batters,etc.)arebestfordeepfrying.Thecoating
acts as a protective layer keeping food moist on the inside and crisp on the outside.
• Forbestresults,defrostfrozenfoodsfor20minutespriortofrying.
• Fryfoodsatthecorrecttemperatureforbestresults.Thiswillpreventburningand
give you even colored, crispy food.
• Prepackagedfrozencookedchickenmaycookfasterthanuncookedfood.
• Forevencooking,shakebaskethalfwaythroughcookingtime.
• Donotuseseasonedorflavoredoilsuchaswalnut,oliveoil,lardordrippings
because they have a low smoke point. Use blended vegetable oil, pure corn oil,
sunflower oil, soybean oil or grape seed oil (canola oil) because these oils have a
high smoke point. Peanut oil is not recommended because it impacts the
flavor greatly.
• Oilsshouldneverbemixedwhendeepfrying.
• Highheat,waterandburntfoodparticlesbreakdowntheoil’ssmokepoint.
• Replaceoilifyounotice:
- Excessive smoking at normal temperatures
- Strong oil discoloration
- A rancid smell
- Excessive foaming around the frying food
• Oildarkenswithusebecausetheoilandfoodmoleculesburnwhensubjectedto
high/prolonged heat. The more you use an oil, the more slowly it will pour.
will no longer deep-fry effectively.
• Whenfryingfoodswithstrongflavorand/oraromalikefishorchicken,usetheoil
only once.
• Filteringtheoilwithacookingoilfilterorfine-meshstrainercankeepitfresher.
Although storing oil in a refrigerator may extend the life of the oil, this should never
be done. This process of chilling oil then bringing the oil to room temperature causes
excessive splattering during the heat up process.
• Storethecoveredoilinacooldarkplace,foruptothreemonths.Checktheoil
before using for color, smell, or excessive foaming. Discard the oil if it shows any
of these qualities.
ca r e a n D cl e a n i n g
WARNING: Always turn control to OFF then disconnect plug from wall outlet
BEFORE disconnecting Sure Release Powercord.
• Donotimmersecordsetsinwateroranyliquids
• DonotattempttodefeatthedetachablemagneticSureReleaseCordsystem
by trying to permanently attach cord set to product.
• Donotstickpinsorothersharpobjectsinholesonmagneticcordset.
• Donotuseanytypeofsteelwooltocleanmagneticcontacts.
NOTE: Make sure fryer has cooled before cleaning.
• TurnunitOFF.
• Unplugfromoutletandallowunittocoolcompletely.
• RemoveSureReleasemagneticcordfromthefryersocket.
• RemovetheLid.
• OpentheFilterCoverandremovetheFilters.
• RemoveFryingBasket.
• LiftControlPanelAssemblyupfromthefrontofthefryer.
• CarefullyliftOilReservoirstraightupoutoftheHousingbyholdingtherim
of the bowl. The built-in oil pour spout allows you to better drain the oil into your
storage container. Store oil in an airtight container. See Hints for Best Results.
Oil Reservoir is also Dishwasher Safe.
WARNING: Do not remove Oil Reservoir until the unit has cooled completely
and is unplugged.
• RemoveCondensationTrapfromthebackofthefryer.
NOTE: This trap will collect any water that has been condensed on the inside of the
Condensation Trap after each use.
• TheFryingBasket,Lid,OilReservoirandCondensationTraparedishwashersafe.
Dry all parts thoroughly after cleaning.
• TheControlPanelAssemblyandPowerStripshouldneverbeimmersedinwateror
other liquids. Gently clean the outer surface of the Control Panel Assembly with a
damp cloth containing mild soap solution or plain water, and dry thoroughly.
• EnsurethatboththeLidandOilReservoirarecompletelydryafterwashingand
before use.
• InsertOilReservoirbackintoHousing.
• InsertControlPanelintofrontoftheunit.TheControlPanelassemblymustbe
attached properly to the front of the housing or the fryer will not operate. (see figure 1)
• PlaceFryingBasketintobowl.
• PutFiltersbackintoLidandputCoveron.
• ReplaceandcloseLid.