98 Glossary
Dial-up networking: Wireless technology that enables you to convert your device into a
wireless modem so that you can access the Internet from your computer.
Direct Push Technology: A two-way wireless delivery method used between Microsoft
Exchange 2003 with SP2 (Service Pack 2) servers and a smart device with Windows Mobile
5.2 with MSFP (Messaging and Security Feature Pack). Direct Push Technology enables
features such as Tasks Over The Air (OTA) and
IP-based push updating of Outlook information (Email, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks).
Global Address List (GAL): An online address book for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
upgraded to Service Pack 2. The GAL contains names, email addresses, and other
information, and is created and maintained by your Exchange Server administrator.
Applications software: An optional secure wireless messaging application
allowing push synchronization with your Microsoft Outlook server.
Infrared (IR): A way of transmitting information using light waves. The IR port on
your Treo700wx smart device lets you transfer information between other IR devices
within a short radius.
Lithium Ion (Li-Ion): The rechargeable battery technology used in the Treo smart devices.
Mobile Broadband Network: An advanced wireless data network using the fastest
commercially available wireless network technology (EVDO) to deliver broadband-like
transfer speeds for your data connections.
My Mobile Devices: The component on your Windows computer that enables you to install
applications and other information on your smart device.
Option : The keyboard button that lets you access the alternative feature that appears
above the letter on each key.
Partnership: Two Bluetooth devices—for example, your device and a hands-free device—
that can connect because each device finds the same passkey on the other device. Once you
form a partnership with a device, you don’t need to enter a passkey to connect with that
device. Partnership is known on some devices as paired relationship, pairing, trusted device,
or trusted pair.