Digitizer 190
Formats 191
General 187, 188–202
Network 217–233
opening 188
Other 188
Owner 236
Personal 188
Phone 233
Power 192–193
Security 193
ShortCuts 237
Sounds & Alerts 200–202
Primary DNS 228
Printing expense reports 111
Prioritizing To Do List records 134, 138
Private records
displaying and creating 198–200, 251
lost with forgotten password 198
beaming information 259
Bluetooth 259, 260
entering data 250
operating handheld 249
performing HotSync operations 252–259
recharging handheld 261
software installation 248
using applications 251–252
using passwords 262
Profiles 182
Punctuation marks
Graffiti writing 27
onscreen keyboard 21
Purging records 53–54
See also Deleting
Range of times in Day view 103
Receipts, recording in Expense 107
Receiving data. See Beaming information
Receiving data. See Sending data
Recharging the battery 192
beaming 30–31
choosing categories 54
creating 50
Date Book 90
defined 50
deleting 52, 96
displaying a category of 55
editing 51–52
Expense 106
fonts 64
hiding private 194, 198
lost 251
masking private 194
Memo Pad 113
notes for 63–64
number of 263
private 198–200
purging 53–54
sending 33, 36
sorting 62–63
To Do List 134
unmasking individual 200
Reminder lists 65
applications 70
Desktop software 71
Renaming categories 57
Repeating events
deleting from Date Book 53
scheduling 95
Rescheduling events 93
Resetting handheld
hard reset 243, 249
location of reset button 14, 243
soft reset 242
Restoring data
Mac 245
Windows 244
data 43, 50, 53
Scheduling events 89–93
backlight 12
blank 249
calibrating 16, 190
caring for 241
touching with your finger 11
Scroll bar 18
SD card 9
See also Expansion Card
Searching. See Finding