68 2B Move Around on Your Phone
Ⅲ Tap Install Free to install only those updates that
you can download free of charge.
Ⅲ Tap Install All to install all updates available for
download (charges may apply).
Browse Applications in App Catalog
Use App Catalog to browse and download any of the
many applications available for your phone. App
Catalog contains both free apps and apps you can
1. Open App Catalog .
2. The first time you open App Catalog, tap Accept.
3. Swipe right or left on the thumbnails to see
featured applications, or do one of the following:
Ⅲ To search by name: Tap Search, enter the search
term, and press
Enter .
Ⅲ To search apps by category: Tap Explore. To view
categories in an alphabetical list, tap . To view
them as a tag cloud .
Note: You cannot use your phone while updates are being
Important: Do not remove the battery while updates are being
Note: Applications you installed on your old Palm OS
ACCESS or Windows Mobile smartphone do not work
on your Pixi phone, because your Pixi phone uses the
new Palm
webOS™ platform. Check App Catalog for
a new version of your old favorites. Or purchase the
Classic app from App Catalog. Classic enables you to
run Palm OS applications on your Pixi phone.