
Turn on Bluetooth check box
52, 124
turning on or off
alarms 205, 218
caller IDs 58
Caps Lock 25
device 33, 258
event sounds 206
keyboard backlight 24
Keyguard 213
Option Lock 25
reminders 205
ringer switch 204
screen 33, 34, 221
wireless services 11
TXT files 167
Typing mode 164
UMTS services 254
unauthorized users 212, 219
unavailable time slots 157
Underline option 170
underlining text 168, 170
Undo command 141
Unfreeze Panes option 177
Unknown Caller option 54
device 215
SIM smartcards 214
spreadsheet rows and
columns 177
unread messages 108
unretrieved voicemail 40
unsafe areas 258
untimed events 155, 156
Update Library command
updating information 65, 70
upgrades 225
uppercase letters 25, 212
urgent message icon 108
URLs 144, 173
See also web links
USB connections 127
USB controllers 237
USB hubs 236
USB ports 73, 236
USB sync cable 73
Use above settings while
roaming check box 79
Use network time zone
check box 217
user discussion groups 249
User Guide 249
usernames 254
Validity Period list 105
vCal attachments 242
vCard attachments 104, 242
Vibrate when… check boxes
55, 206
vibrating alarm 204, 206
video albums 138
video file types 138
video files 102, 141, 238
Video Mode command 135
video options 147
video ringtones 133, 139
Video tab 137, 147
adding sounds 137
adding to messages 103
changing resolution 135
defaults for 137
downloading 141, 142
limiting length 137
previewing 135
receiving 133
recording 135–136
saving 137
sending 139
setting resolution for 244
synchronizing 141
viewing 133, 138, 141