
Using Your Treo 700w Smartphone 275
events and 66, 70
system alarms and 195
tasks and 71, 73
turning on and off 181
remote access server 206
remote synchronization 161
Remove Programs icon 160
Remove Programs page 160
applications 160, 238
Bluetooth connections
certificates 196
contacts 62
directory services 95
documents 139
events 69
expansion cards 167
favorites links 106
files 157
items from folders 156
items from playlists 130
messages 99, 100, 101
notes 76
pictures 123
sounds 176
speed dial buttons 56
tasks 73
text 22
workbooks 152
worksheets 152
Rename command 171
Rename/Move command
135, 138, 151, 169
documents 138
expansion cards 171
items in folders 156
workbooks 151
worksheets 148
Repeat check box 182
Repeat command 129
repeat patterns 66
repeating appointments 66
repeating current song
repeating sounds 182
repeating tasks 71
Replace All setting 135, 151
information 151
text 135
the battery 216
reset button 213
resetting Treo 700
smartphone 191, 213, 214
resolution 117, 235
Resolution command 118
restoring information 215
restoring sound settings 180
retrieving voicemail 47
Return key 26
reverse type 21
revision marks 133
RF Safety Statement 245
Right button (navigator) 19
right-click menus 24
Ring tone list 176
Ring type list 176
ringer switch 5, 180
ringer volume 176
ringer, silencing 46, 180
ringtone files 81
ringtone IDs 176
ringtone managers 236
assigning to contacts 55,
61, 121, 176
creating video 121
downloading 175
previewing 176
selecting 175
silencing 180
roaming 39, 165, 175
Roaming setting 175
rotating pictures 123, 124
Running Programs screen
31, 198
Save As command 136
Save password check box
88, 93
Save to Contact Ring Tone
command 121
Save to Drafts command 94