Finding information
If you suspect that a third-party application is adversely affecting the operation of
your handheld, contact the developer of the application. In addition, Palm has
information about some applications’ compatibility with your handheld. To find
this information, do one of the following:
■ Open your web browser and go to
. On that
page, click the link leading to information on the compatibility of third-party
■ Read the readme file for your handheld. After you install Palm Desktop
software on your computer, open the Palm folder. The readme file is located in
the Helpnote folder.
Finding information
For installation information, see Getting Started that came with your Tungsten W
handheld. For comprehensive information about using your handheld, continue
reading this electronic handbook.
For support information, upgrade information, articles, and answers to questions,
For more information about using Palm Desktop software, see the following:
■ The handheld tutorial, Quick Tour. To access this tutorial, tap the Quick Tour
icon from the Applications main screen.
■ The Windows tutorial for Palm Desktop software, Desktop Quick Tour. To
access this tutorial, open Palm Desktop software and select Quick Tour from the
Help menu.
■ The electronic Palm Desktop software for the Macintosh User’s Guide. To access this
guide, open the Palm folder and then open the Documentation folder.
Double-click the file Palm Desktop.pdf.
■ The online help for Palm Desktop software. To access the online help, open
Palm Desktop software and select the Help menu.