
Z22 Handheld 316
Contact Details dialog box 74
Contact Edit screen 67, 69
See also Contacts application
adding 57, 64, 67
archiving 73
categorizing 74, 225, 229
copying information for 65, 67, 71
customizing details for 74
deleting 73
displaying information for 69, 74
duplicating information for 67, 71
entering from Outlook 10, 295
entering in memos 170
entering notes for 67
keeping private 74, 210, 211
locating 72
managing 63
saving 66, 73
selecting 34
transferring from other applications 77
Contacts application
adding contact information 6466
archiving information in 73, 163
benefits of 63
categorizing information in
225, 229
creating business cards 70
customizing fields in 69
displaying additional fields for 67
duplicating information 71
importing information for 77, 100
marking entries as private 211
opening 25, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73,
related topics for 77
saving information in 66, 73
searching from 72
selecting field types for 68
setting display options for 75
transferring information from 57
troubleshooting 77
viewing online help for 76, 145
Contacts icon 25
Contacts list 74
continuous events See repeating events
contrast (screen) 22
activating 263
application 2324, 30
handheld 19
Copy command 60
Copy icon 37
copy photos from computer 148
applications 93
calculations 206
contacts 65, 67, 71
information 60
copying and pasting 60
country information 260
Cradle/Cable setting 277
appointments 111
business cards 70
categories 225
company-specific information 11
connections 276, 277
contacts 57, 64, 67
daily events 111
memos 170
multiday events 118
notes 177
owner information 269
passwords 213, 214, 220
photo albums 151
reminders 66, 176
repeating events 115, 116
repeating tasks 157, 159
shortcut strokes 265
tasks 155, 157, 159
unscheduled events 114
untimed events 113, 118
user profiles 12, 13
currency 194, 195, 197
Currency pick list 195
currency symbols 195, 196, 197, 201
current date and time
See also calendar; clock
checking 234
displaying 22
entering 53, 255, 258
cursor 55, 59
Custom Currencies dialog box 197
customer support xv, 17, 307
backgrounds 140, 248
calendar 139, 140
contact information 69, 74
currency symbols 197
data entry 261
expense lists 201
Graffiti 2 writing 264
handheld 11, 27, 246
preset formats 260