
(4) List of commands
The tables below show the send commands for each mode as seen from the PC side and the operations of
those commands.
STX is hexadecimal code 02H, ETX is hexadecimal code 03H, : is hexadecimal code 3AH, and the
discrimination and data parts signify the ASCII codes corresponding to their symbols.
Counter control commands
Data transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command
[STX] CCP:data [ETX] [STX] CCP [ETX]
Presets the CTL counter data (same as the CLP
[STX] CLP:data [ETX] [STX] CLP [ETX]
Presets the CTL counter data (same as the CCP
[STX] CRT [ETX] [STX] CRT [ETX] Resets the CTL counter data.
Display control commands
Data transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command
[STX] DFC:m [ETX] [STX] DFC [ETX] Set the display mode of the display tube.
[STX] DPP:mm [ETX] [STX] DPP [ETX] Sets the display position on the monitor screen.
[STX] DBW [ETX] [STX] DBW [ETX] Sets the characters to white.
[STX] DBB [ETX] [STX] DBB [ETX] Sets the characters to black.
[STX] DDS:d:t:m:r [ETX] [STX] DDS [ETX] Sets the display item on the monitor screen.
[STX] DMS:d:m:n [ETX] [STX] DMS [ETX] Sets the time system (12-hour or 24-hour) display mode.
Communication control commands
Data transmitted by PC Data returned from unit in response Description of command
[STX] RAN [ETX] [STX] RAN [ETX] Sets the ACK (acknowledge) code return function to ON.
[STX] RAF [ETX] [STX] RAF [ETX] Sets the ACK (acknowledge) code return function to OFF.
[STX] RCK [ETX] [STX] RCK [ETX] Checks the communication line.
[STX] RSE:m [ETX] [STX] RSE [ETX] Sets the search end mode.