
u Black Level Setting [Pedestal: –30 - +30]
The black level (pedestal) of the luminance (Y) sig-
nal can be set. Used in adjusting the black levels
of two or more cameras.
i Contrast Adjustment [Contrast (Gamma):
Contrast can be adjusted to any of three levels.
o Chroma Level Adjustment
[Chroma Level: –3 - +3]
Chroma Level can be decreased or increased to
any of three levels each.
!0 Skin Color Adjustment [Flesh Tone: –3 - +3]
Skin color can be decreased or increased to any of
three levels each.
!1 White Balance Setting [White Bal: ATW/AWC A/
AWC B/P SET 3 200K/P SET 5 600K]
ATW: The white balance is automatically adjusted
to be always right.
AWC A, AWC B: Once the white balance is adjust-
ed with the ITEM/AWC switch on the back of the
camera, it is no longer necessary to set the
white balance again if you simply select AWC A
or AWC B, provided that the camera is used
under the same conditions.
Fine color adjustment can be made after setting
AWC by red/blue gain adjustment in user mode
or from the RCU (RCB).
P SET 3 200K: The white balance is adjusted to
3 200K illumination.
P SET 5 600K: The white balance is adjusted to
5 600K illumination.
!2 Highlight Chroma Setting [Highlight Chroma:
At LOW or HIGH, the color dynamic range widens
to prevent highlighted white portions from suppres-
!3 Horizontal Phase Adjustment
[H Phase: –206 - +49]
Horizontal phase can be adjusted when a genlock
signal is supplied.
!4 Sub Carrier Phase Coarse Adjustment
[SC Coarse: 1/2/3/4]
Coarse adjustment of subcarrier phase can be
made when a genlock signal is supplied.
Neither P SET 3 200K nor P SET 5 600K can be set
from the RCU (RCB) or the hybrid control panel.