Controls and settings from web screen
SNMP screen
The settings related to the SNMP function are selected on this screen.
When the SNMP manager is used for the connection, the unit’s statuses can be checked.
When the SNMP function is to be used, consult with your network administrator.
Community [0 to 32 half‑size characters]
<Initial setting: blank>
Input here the community name which is to be monitored.
p When using the SNMP function, be absolutely sure
to input the community name.
This function cannot be used if the community
name field is left blank.
System name [0 to 32 half‑size characters]
<Initial setting: blank>
Input here the system name for controlling the unit using
the SNMP function.
Location [0 to 32 half‑size characters]
<Initial setting: blank>
Input here the location where the unit has been installed.
Contact [0 to 255 half‑size characters]
<Initial setting: blank>
Input here the email address or telephone number of the