Important Error Messages
PIN2 Blocked! Please Enter PUK2 You entered your PIN or PIN2 incorrectly three times in a row. To unblock the PIN,
please enter PUK1 or PUK2.
New PIN Not Accepted Your new PIN code is not accepted. Please try again.
New PIN2 Not Accepted Your new PIN2 code is not accepted. Please try again.
Incorrect Entry! You entered wrong PIN or PIN2. Please enter the correct one.
Entries Do Not Match! When you change your password, you have to enter the new password twice to
confirm. The two codes you entered are not same. Please enter same code twice.
SIM Card Error Make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly. Clean the SIM card with a dry cloth or
check if it is damaged. Contact your service provider.
Function Unsupported The function you selected is not supported your service provider.
Please contact your service provider.
Invalid Password The password that you entered is not valid. Please enter the correct password.
Not Available The function you selected is not supported by your service provider. Please
contact your service provider.
Service Not Available The function you selected is not supported by your service provider. Please
contact your service provider.