
Q Why are the blood pressure values measured at home dierent from those measured at
the doctor’s oce?
A Blood pressure varies 24 hours a day.
In addition, it can change greatly depending on the weather, your mental state, exercise, etc. .
In particular, there is the phenomenon of “White coat hypertension” at doctor’s oces, where
the blood pressure measured in a doctor’s oce is higher because of stress or worry.
In addition, if the blood pressure measured at home is sometimes higher and sometimes
lower than the blood pressure measured at the doctor’s oce, the following can be
considered. Please pay attention to these points when taking measurements.
1. Is the cu wrapped rmly?
Make sure that the cu is not wrapped too loosely or too tightly.
Is the cu wrapped around the upper arm? Make sure it is not partly covering the elbow.
See page 8 for how to wrap the cu correctly.
2. Were you worried or upset during measurements?
Before taking measurements, take 2 or 3 deep breaths and relax, so that your blood pressure
Q When should I measure my blood pressure?
A We recommend three measurements a day.
First .......... Upon Waking (Because, with almost no inuence from body movement, the
blood pressure is closest to that at night.)
Second ... Before Lunch (Because, with no inuence from the meal, it provides blood
pressure values close to the highest of the day.)
Third ......... At Bedtime (So as to obtain data close to your average blood pressure values
during the day.)
This way, by taking measurements morning, noon and night, you can use the unit to learn the
patterns of and monitor your blood pressure.
Use of the "Comparing with Old Measurement" function can aid in the detection of a
blood pressure pattern known as “early morning surge” in which blood pressure rises
rapidly in the morning. (See page 18.)
Q Since the
indicator was displayed, I retried the measurement by setting my arm in
the proper position. But the indicated value is still higher than usual.
A The
indicator is just a guide for the proper measurement method.
If you correct your posture when the
indicator is displayed but the measured value is
still higher or lower than usual, retry the measurement.
The following causes are suspected.
Did you measure properly (in proper posture)?
Measure as indicated on pages 12–13.
Measured immediately after smoking.
Measured when irritated or emotional.
Measured in cold environments.
For persons who have a physical constitution with less uctuation in the pulse rate.
If you are concerned about the results, retry the measurement after staying quiet for 4 to
5 minutes.
BU35.indb 23 2011/06/14 14:28:29