4.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings
Each extension, doorphone port, incoming call distribution group, and trunk group is assigned a Class of
Certain features can be programmed to behave differently depending on the COS. A maximum
of 64 COS levels can be programmed.
Restrictions to features related to making trunk calls can be programmed for each COS.
COS Name
Specifies the name of the COS.
Value Range
Max. 20 characters
Maintenance Console Location
4.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
2.2.1 Class of Service (COS)
TRS Level—Day, Lunch, Break, Night
Specifies the Toll Restriction (TRS)/Call Barring (Barring) level for making trunk calls in each time mode.
Value Range
1: Allows all trunk calls
2–6: Restricts trunk calls according to the combination of the Denied and Exception Code Tables
7: Restricts all trunk calls
Maintenance Console Location
4.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings
Programming Manual References
4.6 [2-4] Week Table
5.1 [3-1-1] Trunk Group—TRG Settings—Main— COS
5.13 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings—Main— COS
6.1 [4-1-1] Wired Extension—Extension Settings—Main— COS
6.10 [4-2-1] Portable Station—Extension Settings—Main— COS
7.1 [5-1] Doorphone— COS
9.1 [7-1] Denied Code
9.2 [7-2] Exception Code
PC Programming Manual 463
4.12 [2-7-1] Class of Service—COS Settings