
PSQX2967ZA KK1003TT0
This device is a DECT Portable station operating in the frequency band of 1880 MHz to 1900 MHz.
The usage of this device is generally allowed in all the EU countries.
We, Panasonic Communications Company (U.K.) Ltd., declare that this equipment is in
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
If you want to get a copy of the original Declaration of Conformity of our products which relates
to the R&TTE, please contact to our web address:
This manual is copyrighted by Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. (PCC). You may print out
this manual solely for internal use with this model. Except above, you may not reproduce this
manual in any form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of PCC and its licensee.
© 2003 Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Panasonic Communications Company (U.K.) Ltd.
Pencarn Way, Duffryn, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8YE, United Kingdom