• Rejected phone numbers will not be stored in
the incoming call log.
Adding a phone number
You can store a maximum of 30 phone numbers you
want to reject in the rejection list of the unit.
1. On the Phone screen, press
2. Tap [Call Block setting].
3. Enter the phone number (max. 32 characters).
4. Tap [OK].
• To register additional telephone numbers,
repeat the procedure from step 3.
Adding a phone number from the incoming call
You can add a phone number by referring to the
incoming call log.
1. On the Phone screen, tap [Call Log].
2. Select the [Incoming Call] tab or the [Missed
Call] tab.
3. Tap the phone number you want to reject calls from.
4. Tap [Add to Call Block].
Editing a stored phone number
1. On the Phone screen, press
2. Tap [Call Block setting].
3. Select the phone number you want to edit.
4. After you enter the phone number, tap [OK].
Deleting a stored phone number
1. On the Phone screen, press .
2. Tap [Call Block setting].
3. Select the phone number you want to delete, and
then clear number.
4. Tap [OK].
Holding a Call
1. On the [Current] tab, tap [Hold].
• When a call has been left on hold for a certain
length of time, the [Recall] window is displayed
and you will hear the recall tone.
• If Automatic Call Hold is enabled through
configuration file programming, simply tapping
a flexible button assigned as a DN button
(Page 85) will put the call on hold. For details,
contact your administrator or dealer.
Retrieving a Call on Hold
1. On the [Hold] tab, select the call you want to
2. Tap [Retrieve].
• The number of calls on hold is displayed on the
[Hold] tab.
• In the [Hold] tab, calls on hold are displayed
from the top in the order of oldest to newest.
Calls on hold waiting to be transferred or for a
conference to start are displayed at the top of
the list.
Document Version 2011-09 Operating Instructions 51