Convenient use methods
The keep-warm temperature or the timer can be set
while the water is being boiled or being kept warm.
After power is restored in the event of a power failure,
the keep-warm temperature will be automatically set
to 190, even if the timer or the "208", 180" or "140"
keep-warm function was previously selected.
Convenient use methods
When the unit will not be used
for a short time, such as when
you go out for a day...
Setting the 6h timer
While setting the timer, the
electrification of heater stops
It is ideal to use 180 keep-warm
for making green tea.
It is ideal to use 140 keep-warm
for preparing milk for a baby.
Be sure to leave milk to cool
down or mix it with cool boiled
water before giving it to a baby.
It is ideal to use boiling
water for making coffee /
tea / instant cup noodles etc.
Operating NC-EH40_EN.indd 18 11/7/07 3:57:33 PM