
Mackerel Parcels
Cooking time: 10 min 4 people - MICROWAVE
Containers: greaseproof paper (baking paper) and 1 bowl
Cook the chopped shallots in butter in a bowl, covered, for
3 minutes on MAX. Cut 4 fairly large squares of
greaseproof paper. Place one quarter of the cooked
shallots at the centre of each square; add one tsp of
mustard, place one seasoned mackerel fillet on top and
drizzle with lemon juice. Add a pinch of chopped chives
before placing the other mackerel fillet on top, top-to-tail
with the first one. Season again and add one tbsp of
cream. Close up the parcel. Carry out the same process for
the three other parcels, before placing them on the Glass
Tray. Cook for 7 to 8 minutes on MAX (or 3 minutes 30 s to
4 minutes for 2 parcels).
4 mackerel, cut into fillets
by the fishmonger (8 fillets),
4 shallots,
1 knob of butter,
4 tbsp cream,
mustard, 1 lemon.
Seafood Bake
Cooking time: approx. 35 min 4 people – MICROWAVE and COMBINATION MODE
Container: 1 bowl and 1 Pyrex® dish, 25 cm diameter
Defrost the seafood for 6 minutes on 600 W, stirring
several times. Drain and keep the liquid, adding 250 ml
milk to it. Chop the shallots, the carrot and the mushrooms
and cook this mixture in a bowl, covered, with 30 g of
butter for 5 minutes on MAX. Add 2 to 3 heaped tbsp of
flour and cook again for 40 seconds on MAX, then add the
milk and cooking juice from the seafood. Cook this sauce
for 5 to 7 minutes on MAX. (if the sauce does not seem
thick enough, you can correct it by adding 1 tbsp of
cornflour mixed with white wine). Add the dill and one
tablespoon of fruity white wine, check the seasoning and
mix with the seafood. Pour the mixture into the baking dish.
Sprinkle with grated cheese; put into the oven on the Wire
Rack and cook for 6 to 8 minutes on Combination mode:
Grill 2 + 250W.
500 g frozen mixed seafood,
3 shallots, 1 tbsp chopped dill,
30 g grated emmental cheese,
1 carrot,
150 g mushrooms,
30 g butter,
250 ml milk,
white wine, salt, pepper.
Potted Salmon
Cooking time: approx. 5 min 4 people - MICROWAVE
Containers: 1 round Pyrex® dish, 22 cm diameter, and 1 bowl
Cook the fresh salmon for 5 minutes on 600W, covered.
Leave to cool. Meanwhile, cut the butter into cubes and
bring it to a creamy consistency by warming at 440W for 2
to 3 minutes (it should not melt). Cut the smoked salmon
into small cubes or chop finely. Remove the skin and
bones from the cooked salmon, break up the fish and mix it
with the butter, smoked salmon, olive oil and boiled egg
yolk, crumbled. Mix well. Season to taste with salt, pepper
and lemon juice. Put the mixture into a terrine tin or mould
into oblongs using 2 tablespoons and put in the fridge to
set for 1 to 2 hours.
NB: If you prefer, you can also put the mixture into the food
processor. This will save time, but the consistency will be
more like a fish mousse than potted fish.
400 g fresh salmon,
150 g smoked salmon,
200 g butter,
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 boiled egg yolk,
salt, pepper, lemon.