Combination cooking
1� The wire rack is designed to be used for Combination and Grilling� Never attempt
to use any other metal accessory except the one provided with the oven� Place a
heatproof dish underneath to catch any fat or drips�
2� Use the wire rack only as described� DO NOT use if operating the oven with less than
200g of food on a manual program� For small quantities do not cook by Combination,
cook by GRILL or MICROWAVE ONLY for best results�
3� Never cover foods when cooking on Combination�
4� DO NOT preheat the grill on Combination�
5� Arcing may occur if the incorrect weight of food is used, the wire rack has been
damaged, or a metal container has been used accidentally. Arcing is ashes of blue
light seen in the microwave� If this occurs, stop the oven immediately�
6� Some foods should be cooked on Combination without using the wire rack i�e� roasts,
gratins, pies and puddings� The food should be placed in a heatproof non-metallic
dish and placed directly onto the glass tray�
7� DO NOT use plastic MICROWAVE containers on combination programs (unless
suitable for combination cooking)� Dishes must be able to withstand the heat of the
top grill - heatproof glass e�g� Pyrex® or ceramic are ideal�
8� DO NOT use your own metal dishes or tins, as the microwaves will not penetrate the
food evenly�
The wire rack must always be used with the glass tray in position�
Remove wire rack from oven by holding the rack and heatproof dish rmly. Use oven
gloves when removing accessories� Never touch the outside window or inside metal parts
of the door or oven when taking food in or out due to the high temperatures involved�
Set Time
Select cooking time by
turning Time/Weight Dial�
Time can be set up to 90
When cooking by combination, the
microwave power cooks food quickly whilst
the grill gives traditional browning and
Press Start
The time counts
down in the display�
Select combination level
Press combination to select level�
The combination indicator lights,
and combination level (1, 2 or 3) will
appear in the display�
Press Level MW Grill
1 press Combi 1 440 W 1000 W (high)
2 presses Combi 2 300 W 1000 W (high)
3 Presses Combi 3 300 W 850 W (medium)