Starting MotionDV STUDIO 3.0LE
From the Start menu, select [Programs] → [Panasonic] →
[MotionDV STUDIO3] → [MotionDV STUDIO].
You can also start MotionDV STUDIO by double clicking on the
desktop icon if one was created manually.
After installing MotionDV STUDIO, when starting this software
for the first time, the license agreement will be displayed.
After confirming it, click [I agree].
User support
If you have any questions about MotionDV STUDIO, contact directly the following Panasonic local
support centers.
Country Local Support Centers
U.S.A. Tel :1-800-PANASYS
Canada Email :www.panasonic.ca/contactus
Tel :905-624-5010
U.K. Email:tech.support@piel.co.uk
Germany Email:uwe.brindoepke@pdg.panasonic.de
France Email:info@panasonic.fr