Convert a variety of measurements such as world currencies, area,
length, volume, temperature, power, velocity and more.
Setting the base currency
z Main menu > Tools > Converter
1. If the Type field is not set to Currency,
[0] to select the Type field 7 [192] to
scroll to Currency 7 [0]9[5] (OK)
2. [5] (Options)
3. [192] to scroll to Currency rates 7
[0]9[5] (Select)
4. [192] to scroll to the desired currency
code you wish to set as the base 7 [5]
5. [192] to scroll to Set as base curr. 7 [0]9[5] (Select) 7
[5] (Yes)
Any rates entered earlier are reset to zero.
6. [192] to scroll to the desired currency codes and enter
currency exchange rates, based on your newly set base
currency = 1
To enter a decimal: [
7. [6] (Done) 7 [5] (Yes)
8. Continue with step 3 in “Converting measurements” on
page 125
Shortcut: To automatically add, subtract, multiply, or divide, enter first
number and press [e] until you reach the desired mathematic button, stop
pressing [e], and the operation is inserted.