O Selectthetrackswhilestopped.
you canskip albumsbeforeselecting
tracks(,o below).
O Pressto register.
O Repeat steps 1 and 2 to
register up to 20tracks.
O Start play.
Eachtime you press [EQ]
When Playing WMA/MP3
Albumnumber Track number
Sequence number
mTo confirm the contents of
the program
Press [,MEMO/,,, DISP]while the
discis playing.
mTo delete I_e entire program
Boosts the bass Concert hall-like sound
'_ NOdisplay (canceled)-_
Eachtime youpress [MODE]
CL)_RND _(_...)RND
Onetrack Alltrack Random Random
repeat repeat repeat
_-- NOdisplay(canceled)
IYou cannot select"RND" while playing WMA/MP3.
IYou cannot skip backto other tracks during random play,
This system reduces the skipping caused by vibration to a minimum.
You can change the anti-skip memory time for CD-DA to improve sound
Eachtime you pressand hold[MODE]
POS 2 (
Better sound quality,
10-second anti-skip memory
) POS 1
Normal sound quality,
45-second anti-skip memory
mYou cannot change the memory time for WMA/MP3. It is a maximum
of 130 seconds for WMA recordedat 96 kbps and 100 secondsfor
MP3 recorded at 128kbps.
UThe effect may differ between different kinds of music,
Pressandholduntil thealbum youwantappears.
Albumnumber Numberof tracks
Eachtime youpressandhold [MODE]
) No display
• Youcannot turn album mode on during program play.
• Youcan select another album with album skip.
Eachtime youpressandhold [,MEMO/-- DISP]
Album._)Track--.) _ _ numberandelapsed
title title ID3 "_) ID3 track"_) playtime
album title title j
mThe unit displays up to 27 characters for track title and 30 for album title,
m"" is displayed in place of characters this unit cannot display,
U"Album Title" and "Track Title" appear on the top line when showing
album and track titles,
• _ : TAG appears when displaying ID3 titles, -J,,_ - "appears
instead if ID3 titles haven't been entered,
WMA and MP3are methods of compressing audio without overtly hurting audio
data,SL*MP80 can play WMA and MP3. SL-MP73J, SL-MP71C and SL*MP70 can
play MP3.
mWhen creatingWMA/MP3 files to play on this unit
oDisc formats: IS09660 level1 and level2 (except for extended formats)
• It is better not to createfolders (album) within folders (OO4albumbelow).
E:-loolalb1_m_ Namingtracksandalburns
Prefix with 3-digit numbers inthe o_deryou want to pla,
002(ack'mp3 is ".wma" (or ".WMA")
ooa_.m 001track. rap3 (_MP3)
Up to 27 characters fo_t ra_;ksand 30 for albun_
Ifyou created an album such as _4album at
OO3alb_m left, the files may not play in name order,
The albums would play in the order @, @,
mLimitations on WMA/MP3
• This unit iscompatible with multi-session but if there are a lot of sessions it
takesmore time for play to start. Keepthe number of sessions to a minimum to
avoid this,
• This unit cannot playfiles recordedusing packetwrite.
• If the disc includes both WMAIMP3 and normal audio data (CD-DA),the unit
plays the type recorded inthe inner part of the disc.
If the disc includes both WMAIMP3 and other types of audio data (e,g. WAV), the
unit plays only theWMA/MP3.
• Depending on how you createWMA!MP3 files, they may not
pla_jEthe order you numbered them or maynot play at all.
• _: This unit can display only version 1.Oand1.1
Windows Media, andthe Windows logo are
trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United Statesandlor other countries.
WMA is acompression format developed by Microsoft
Corporation. It achievesthe same sound quality as
MP3 with a file size that is smaller than that of MP3.