New front
filter glass
the natural
improve the
blue color
Scan Explanation
The 1-field (1/60 sec) display pixels on the Panasonic 42" and 37" SD models
and on the ALIS system models are VGA level. (Panasonic HD models are XGA
level, for higher resolution.)
A.L.I.S. (Alternate Lighting of Surfaces) method is one of the new panel driving
systems of plasma display developed by Fujitsu Limited. ALIS method is a
system developed from the 3 electrode discharging system.
The ALIS method uses an interlaced driving scheme, which means the even and
odd lines are addressed alternately.
New Asymmetrical Cell Structure Panel
Figure 3 shows the unique asymmetrical cell structure that achieves both high
brightness and crisp whites. The asymmetrical arrangement of the red, blue and
green cells that control color reproduction results in a dramatically improved light-
emitting balance of the three primary colors. This reproduces purer whites while
maintaining a high level of brightness.
Model Differences
Panasonic progressive scan ALIS system Interlace scan
Figure 3
Figure 2